Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a relatively new procedure of bariatric surgery.This surgery is known by many names as well like: Gastric Sleeve Resection,Sleeve Gastrectomy, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Tube Gastrectomy, laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and VSG.

This surgical procedure for obesity treatment is suitable for the people who are fearful of undergoing other invasive weight loss surgeries. The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery quotes that, “This is the most useful application of gastric sleeve surgery at this time, because it appears to be faster and/or easier than other weight loss surgeries in these high-risk people”.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Cancun, Tijuana, Mexico: How does it work?

Though initially designed for acute obesity correction, these days this process is carried out on people with low BMI as well. This surgery is performed with the help of a laparoscope, so there is no major incisions on the body. A small part of the stomach that is responsible for the secretion of ‘hunger hormones’ is removed with the help of the laparoscope. This reduces your hunger pangs. The leftover portion of the stomach is sealed with staples.

This surgery is much less complex than other surgeries like mini gastric bypass or full gastric bypass. In gastric sleeve surgery the pyloric valve and small intestine are left intact. This surgery does not involve any implants or insertion of any medical device into the body.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What are its advantages?

This surgery is effective in losing 30-50% of excess weight for the first six to twelve months. Patients who undergo gastric sleeve surgery can expect to lose 60-70% of their excess weight. If weight loss is insufficient following the surgery, other mal-absorptive weight loss surgeries such as the mini gastric bypass or full gastric bypass can be performed for further weight loss.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico

In short, the main features of gastric sleeve surgery can be summarized as:
  • 30-50% excess weight loss within a year and up to 70% within 2 years
  • Does not need leave big incision on the body
  • No implants and devices positioned in the body
  • Safe for people with high BMI
  • Suitable for patients with complex medical conditions and with prior surgery record
  • No dietary restrictions after surgery
  • Additional weight loss surgery can be performed at later stage if required

To discuss your specific situation in confidence, please call us toll free from the U.S. or Canada at: 1 800 210 5124

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