Saturday, March 19, 2016

No Carbs

The biggest battle at six months post op is Head Hunger and if you are eating too many vegetables and pita chips and not enough protein first you are TOAST. (pun intended) 

Imagine this : yogurt that doesn’t have sugar as an ingredient can have 18 grams of sugar that is not harmful.

Eliminating everything but protein and the carbs that have stuck to it, creates fullness or satiety, keeps you full for a very long time, and cuts down on the likelihood for justification of foods we should not be eating. Good carbs versus bad carbs – processed carbs versus unprocessed carbs – and the mother of them all SIMPLE carbs versus COMPLEX carbs. For a new post op… How about NO carbs? You have to admit that its much easier to remember. There we go, NO CARBS. Keeping it real, keeping it simple, keeping it real simple.

Medical Form

Solid Protein First
If we eat solid protein foods and all but eliminate all carbs, we strip down our food choices to the bare bones where we can then rebuild our new life with real food. This mindset works in the beginning and it can help patients who also regain weight. Keep it really simple – no carbs.


Receive free quote within 24 hours
You are free to decide your course of action
Surgeon will review your old medical records
We will help arranging logistics for you
We offer all assistance for Medical Treatment
You can happily return home

Obesity Solutions – Cancun and Tijuana, Mexico
On behalf of Dr. Sergio Verboonen 1 800 210 5124

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